Thursday, September 22, 2011

1 month down-19 months to go

 Here I month in.

First off...I am loving what I am learning.  

We have covered the nursing diagnosis (ADPIE) process, patient safety, bathing, wound care, vital signs, skin assessment, health history...some of the basics.  I have my skin assessment check off in the morning.  This consists of doing an assessment on my lab partner of all parts of the body except for the breast and genital areas.  Some may feel weird about assessing someone or feel weird about being assessed...but I think it is so fun!  We have gone through our first round of exams and I am doing really well.  The first exams were on really broad topics and I felt like there was no real way to prepare well for the exams...but in the end, I did just fine.  One thing that I am having to get used to is Team Based Learning and multiple group projects.  They are trying to teach us how to work well as part of a team and how to rely upon others for information (apparently, we can't know it all!).  We have had a few quizzes were we take the quiz together-each of us bringing a bit of knowledge.  I am not used to having to rely on someone else for part of MY grade.  It has it's pros, though.  I am getting to know the people in my cohort really well.  

I will try to post more often...when there is a free minute...but when they said Accelerated BSN...they meant it!  

One month down....just 19 to go :)

1 comment:

Liene said...

Yeah! I'm so glad your blogging again. Thanks for the update on how school was going. I've been thinking about you and the whole process.